Clarifier & Thickener Mechanisms

Liquitek specialises in design of sedimentation equipment & systems for circular and rectangular primary and secondary settling tanks, clarifiers & thickeners.

Liquitek utilises cutting edge analysis and design technologies to custom design each piece of process Clarifier equipment to meet each individual customer’s needs and standards. All equipment is analysed using advanced computational fluid dynamic (CFD), finite element analysis (FEA) and civil / structural software codes, to ensure process performance and structural integrity. All mechanisms are fully designed in a 3-D CAD environment to produce the highest quality, and customer friendly designs possible.

Liquitek offers a competitive solution to new and retrofit clarifier and thickener projects with all fabrication being executed inhouse in accordance to the companies accredited management system with certification to:

  • ISO 9001:2008 (quality)
  • ISO 14001:2004 (environment)
  • ISO 4801:2001 (safety)
  • ISO 3834.2:2008 (welding).

Liquitek is very unique in the fact that we can offer a solution for all types of clarification including:

  1. Segmented Rake, Plow style clarifier
  2. Spiral Blade clarifier
  3. Suction Header clarifier
  4. Suction Pipe clarifier
  5. Solids contact clarifier
  6. Gravity Thickener
  7. High rate Thickener
  8. Lamella thickener/ clarifier
    1. Plates
    2. Tube
  9. Clariflocculator
  10. Flocculating clarifier

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